2019/02/15, Berlin
Work with teenagers from Berlin welcoming classes
Anthropology for kids and teenagers from Berlin high school together thought about how a fair city of the Future could be arranged.
Together with Berlin-based Diakoniewerk A4kids.org conducted a series of workshops in which teens were able to choose topics from the variety of topics that were proposed to them. They chose “Privacy”.
Their questions were:
“How the society of the future will look like when we will be adults?” –
These teens recently arrived in Berlin, Germany from different countries: from Iran and Afghanistan, from Moscow and Chisinau, from Kyiv and Damascus.
How is there experience of the home countries correlated to what they see in Germany?
“Is technology and democracy connected?”
“How the technologically advanced, but not a democratic state will look like?”
hey asked practical questions:
“Should the state monitor its citizens?”, “If so, where is the border that the government should never be allowed to cross?”
“What is safety and where does the intervention in the personal life of a citizen begin?”
We talked, we filled out the pages of the book “Privacy?” and started to work on the several versions of the map of the Future Berlin.