Between the 23rd and 25th of May, Nika Dubrovsky will hold a Visual Assembly at the Festival dei Matti in Venice, by involving speakers and participants in a conversation around this year’s theme of care and conflict.

Held every year since 2009 in Venice, the ‘Festival dei Matti’ hosts a series of debates, lectures, interviews, workshops, and performances with a mission to bring back ‘madness’ in the public discourse, and beyond the domain of medical specialists. Following the legacy of Franco and Franca Basaglia, the festival crates a platform for healthcare workers, philosophers, artists, poets, anthropologists, students, citizens to explore our relationship between normality and madness, between health and suffering.

Keep an eye on our social media and websites for further event details; see the Visual Assembly room at the Museum of Care for more information about the project, and send us an email at if you want to bring Visual Assemblies to your organization / community!